Ambassadors - What Ambassadors Do

Fairview Ambassadors are 5th grade students who are chosen to be role models and helpers for FES.
They perform many duties around the school:
Front door and hallway greeters to welcome students and gently remind students of safety rules
Raise and lower the American and North Carolina flags outside of our school
Office runners to find students who have to check out early
Car rider duty helps to keep students quiet so their names will be heard to depart
For more info, please call Katie McCracken at 628-2732.
Ambassadors are chosen because their teachers feel they are exemplary students. After Ambassadors have turned in an application and project, their teachers (Classroom, P.E. Art, Media, AIG, Music, Friends & Feelings) are asked to grade the students on a rubric which includes the following categories:
Being a responsible, kind, respectful, helpful, trustworthy, responsible, and hardworking student
Ambassador Application Project (only the classroom teacher grades)
Ability to keep up with school work even when some class work will be missed while duties are performed
Attending school regularly & being on time
Availability in schedule to perform at least 3 duties per week
No major discipline referrals for this year or while they are an Ambassador
Having the social skills to work well with adults and all students
Ambassadors are chosen at the end of 4th grade for the 5th grade year and more are chosen in January of each year to be added. They receive training on all duties before they begin.