Chorus & Percussion
The percussion ensemble and chorus at Fairview have been around for many years and have participated in many of our long-standing traditions that I’m thrilled to continue here! The students in these ensembles perform throughout the year for our school’s Winter Sing Along, the Volunteer Breakfast, and our Spring Festival!
Our chorus, The Cardinal Quavers, is open to students in second through fifth grade. Our percussion ensemble, Cardinal Collision, is open to students in third through fifth grade. There is no fee to participate and many of our students participate in both ensembles each year!
For the 2024-2025 school year, chorus is only offered in the fall and percussion will be offered in the spring.
Students singing with the Cardinal Quavers enjoy a variety of types of music so our literature selections are based upon a mixture of student favorites, parodies, pop music, and traditional music. Our Cardinal Collision performers perform on various types of percussion instruments ranging from traditional hand drums and Orff instruments to unconventional percussion such as basketballs, bucket drums, and drinking cups!
These two ensembles perform music independently as well as collaboratively on some concerts to give students a unique performance experience that isn’t possible without extra-curricular instruction.
Our ensembles rehearse before school on Monday mornings from 7:20-7:55 and will also attend after-school rehearsals leading up to our concerts to ensure that our performances are at the highest level.
Sign-ups are at the beginning of each semester so if your cardinal is interested, please look out for a flyer in their Friday Folder when the next semester begins!