Safety First!


Keeping Safety First!

Fairview Elementary will host a Meet the Teacher event on Friday, August 25, from 8 am until 10 am. Families will look for their student’s name on the class lists that will be posted shortly before 8 am and will then be invited to meet their new teacher, visit their new classroom, and pick up important information about bus routes, school clubs, and more.  We ask that families only visit with their new teacher at this time as visiting with former teachers can make it difficult for these educators to become acquainted with their new students.

Then, FES will happily welcome students back for the first day of school on Monday, August 28. Since student safety is of utmost importance at FES, here are a few reminders to help keep everyone safe, as well as a few pointers to help make the school year successful.

Car Riders’ Line. All cars will both enter and exit at the stop light. Cars will travel up Oak Hill Drive, continue past the bus drop-off area, and then circle around the school building on the road marked Student Drop Off. They will continue behind the community center and then turn left to travel the perimeter of the parking lot to enter the front drop-off/pick-up area. Once approaching the unloading area, cars will kindly merge into one lane. Please be courteous to fellow parents. All students will need to exit and enter cars on the passenger side. After students are dropped off or picked up, cars will then turn right past the drop-off/pick-up area and follow the same route circling the school building back to Oak Hill Drive to exit at the stop light.

Anyone who must walk into the building while the car riders’ line is moving is required to use the crosswalk to the right of the flagpole. There should be no pedestrians navigating their way through the moving carline. Morning sun can sometimes make it difficult to see clearly, and we want to make sure everyone stays safe.

In the afternoons, anyone picking up a student in the car riders’ line must have a school-issued sign with their student’s name clearly displayed in their car’s front window. New signs are issued every year, so signs from previous years cannot be used. Anyone without a sign will be asked to park and enter the building to pick up their student and will be required to show proper identification.

Please also remember that all Buncombe County School campuses are tobacco free. This means at no time are tobacco products permitted on school grounds. No smoking of any type, including vaping, is allowed in the car riders’ line, in parking lots, at ball fields, etc., with no exception. 

School times. The school day at Fairview Elementary will begin promptly at 7:55 am. This is when all students should be at their desk prepared to start their day. Students dropped off at or after 7:30 am will be permitted to go straight to class. Students who arrive prior to 7:30 am will be held in the cafeteria or other communal area until the bell rings. No student can be dropped off before 7:15 am. School dismisses at 2:30 pm; however, buses start loading at 2:15 pm. If you need to pick up your student early, please plan to do so no later than 2 pm to not interfere with dismissal procedures. All students must be picked up from campus by 3 pm. On scheduled early dismissal days, school will dismiss at 12:30 pm. Students who ride a bus will arrive home two hours early and all car riders must be picked up by 1 pm.

Late Drop-Off. Any student who is dropped off after 7:55 am must be walked into the building and checked in at the front office by an adult. Students will be issued a tardy slip and then sent to class. If a student is late due to a medical appointment and an excuse note is given to someone at the front office, that tardy will be excused.

Early Pick-Up. Any student who needs to be picked up early will need to be checked out by an adult at the front office. That adult must be on the list parents/guardians complete at the beginning of the school year that indicates who may pick up that student. The adult picking up the student will be required to show a state-issued ID before the student is dismissed. Students who leave school early for a medical appointment should bring an excuse note when they return to school so that their time away from school is excused. Again, any student who must be picked up early should be picked up by 2 pm to help avoid confusion during the dismissal process.

Unexcused absences, tardies, and early dismissals. It is especially important for students to be in school during school hours. If a student has an excessive number of absences, tardies, or early dismissals, their family will be contacted by a school social worker to help determine what can be done to make sure that student is in school. 

Bus Riders. All bus riders must be met by a responsible party at the bus stop unless there is a note on file at the front office stating that student may be let off without supervision and that FES is released from all liability per the parent’s request.

Transportation Changes. No transportation changes may be made over the phone, by fax, or by email. If a student needs to go home some way other than their usual procedure, a dated and signed note indicating the change should be sent in with the student for their teacher. The only other option for changing transportation is for the parent/guardian to come to school and write a note. An ID is required to make transportation changes at the front office.

After-School Care. The YMCA offers an after-school program at FES until 6 pm. For more information, please contact the YMCA business center at 828-210-2273 or check the YMCA website at

Child Nutrition. All FES students will receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no cost this year.  Parents may choose to add money to their student's lunch account for extra items like chips and ice cream.  Money can be added online at

Nut-Free School. Due to many student and staff allergies, some severe, FES is a nut-free school. This includes all nuts, not just peanuts. No nut products should be sent to school for snack or lunch.

School Celebrations. No flower deliveries or any balloons are allowed at school. Only store-bought treats are allowed; nothing homemade can be shared with classmates. If someone wishes to send in treats for a class, it is best to check with the classroom teacher to make sure no other treats or special scheduling is planned for that day.

Classroom Supplies. Lists of necessary school supplies for each grade level are available on the school’s website. Some teachers may request additional items throughout the school year. If you believe your child will be unable to carry in supplies by themselves, please plan to bring those supplies to Meet the Teacher.

Daily Needs. It is important that students remember their backpacks, lunches, snacks, and water bottles every day. It can be difficult to get these items to students once school starts, so it is ideal they come prepared.

Dress Code. Students are expected to dress appropriately for school and choose clothing that is not distracting in an educational environment. Shorts and skirts must be at least fingertip length; midriffs and chests must always be covered; no hats, hoods, bandanas, or sunglasses should be worn inside the building except on designated days announced by school staff; clothing should not display images of weapon or promote drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or any inappropriate activity; and no shoes with wheels are allowed.

Personal Property. Students should not bring personal items such as cameras, electronic watches, or other electronic devices to school. Students who must bring cell phones or other ways to communicate with parents at after-school activities off campus must keep these devices in their backpack and have them turned off for the entirety of the school day. This includes time on the school bus both in the morning and afternoon. Additionally, the school is not responsible should personal items be misplaced.

Communication. All-calls relaying valuable information will be sent out each Sunday evening. Information from these calls is also sent to parents by email and posted on the school’s Facebook page. Important information will also be sent home by teachers each Friday, or as needed. If you feel you are not receiving this information, please call the school at (828) 628-2732. Be sure to monitor the school’s website at and the school’s Facebook page at for important news and announcements.

Parent Portal. All families are encouraged to access the Parent Portal provided by Buncombe County Schools to view grades, attendance, and more. You may access the PowerSchool Parent Portal at Parent Portals will not be available until the first day of school but at that time, if you need help setting up an account, please email the school’s Data Manager at

Volunteers. There are many opportunities for parents to volunteer in the school building throughout the year. All volunteers must complete a Buncombe County Schools Volunteer Application online at  This application must be completed each year.

Privacy. If you prefer your student is not photographed for inclusion on the school website, Facebook posts, and yearbook, please let your student’s teacher know as soon as possible. Please note that if you choose to exclude your student from one media, you exclude them from all media. For example, you cannot request for you student to be included in the yearbook but not on Facebook. 

If there are any questions about these or other school policies, a copy of the school’s parent/student handbook can be found on the school’s website under the parents tab. Questions can also be directed to any of the front office staff at (828) 628-2732. The staff at Fairview Elementary eagerly awaits their students' return and is looking forward to a safe and happy school year. Go Cardinals!