Student getting help from Ms. Burleson as she ties a friendship bracelet on the students wrist.

Early dismissal days at Fairview Elementary School (FES) are a hit with students as they’re filled with fun and exciting clubs from cooking, running, board games, reading and so much more. One particular club has sparks flying with excitement as students race to be a part of the Taylor Swift club. 

This past school year, third grade teacher Whitley Burleson’s room was transformed into a wonderland of music, crafts and camaraderie as Swifties came together for a memorable time. Ms. Burleson is a fearless fan of the pop sensation, and knew that other students loved the artists just as much as she does. 

Group of female students picking out beads for a friendship bracelet.

“I am a hardcore Swiftie,” she said. “So many of our kids are obsessed, and I wanted to give the second and third graders an outlet to engage in their interests.” 

From there the Taylor Swift Fan Club (TSFC) was born. Twenty-eight girls joined the club in its first year, and that’s right - it’s all about Taylor Swift. 

“We talk about our favorite songs, discuss the different “Eras” of Taylor’s music, and of course we make friendship bracelets,” Ms. Burleson said. “This club is special and different from other clubs I’ve hosted in the past. The engagement level of the kids is unmatched.” 

Club days at FES help to build the school community and increase a student’s sense of belonging. As for the TSFC, it is a place for students to express themselves, make new friends and most importantly, have fun. 

Two friends giving each other a hug as they dance to their favorite Taylor Swift song.