Title 1 is the nation's oldest and largest federally funded program. It helps to ensure all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality educ...
Hello BCS Parents and Staff:
Below is a list of various Back-to-School and Community Events that may benefit you. We are sharing this as a service to the community. Some of th...
Every year, second graders at Fairview Elementary learn about animal life cycles with an egg-citing hands-on activity. The school receives chicken eggs that are then placed in an ...
A popular tradition made a grand return to Fairview Elementary (FES). The FES Dad’s Club (a dad-run organization aimed at helping with projects around FES and bringing fathers clo...
Our Fabulous Fifth Graders celebrated the end of their time at FES will a pool party. We will surely miss this great group of kiddos and can't wait to hear about all the great th...
In this modern world it can sometimes be difficult to imagine how life must have been hundreds of years ago. Staff from Camp Flintlock, Inc. camped out on Fairview Elementary Sch...
According to the USDA, a Buncombe County School is one of the nation's healthiest places to learn.
BCS is receiving attention at the highest levels for its commitment to pro...
Each year, BCS holds a multi-day orientation for their licensed staff. Please review the information below, including the participant requirements, to determine which day(s) you ...